20 Fun Facts About Double Glazed Window Repair

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Double Glazed Window Repair

It's worth checking the warranty that comes with the majority of double-glazed windows. Generally, it includes any issues with the hardware of the window - hinges and locking mechanisms - within the first 10 years.

Mist between the glass windows can be caused by a break in the seal and requires immediate repair to prevent mould or damp developing in your property.

Condensation Between the Windows

If condensation forms between windows in your home, it is an indication that the seal holding the insulating gas between the panes has failed. This is a serious issue that should be addressed immediately particularly in winter, when humidity is at its highest. This could also cause damage to sills and sealants, as well as mould.

Double-glazed windows shouldn't have condensation between the panes. However, it's not unusual for high humidity or an extremely cold snap to cause this issue. Fortunately, it is repairable without having to replace the entire window. A professional can drill tiny holes into the window and spray a special cleaning solution inside. The water is then drained from the window. An anti-fogger is fitted to stop the build-up of moisture in the future.

Condensation may also occur between the windows due to air leakage, or other causes outside the window. In this instance, it may take longer for the moisture inside the window to build up, since the air must be sufficiently warm to evaporate the water molecules. In these cases it is recommended to replace the double-glazed windows rather than trying to repair the seals on the existing units.

Double-glazed glass windows are composed of two or more pieces of insulated tempered glass, which are joined by a metal framework. The space between the windows is filled with an insulating gas, such as Krypton or argon and then sealed. The seal prevents the gas that is insulating from escape and also prevents air and moisture from entering into the gap.

As windows age, seals can get damaged and allow moisture to escape between the glass panes. When seals fail it is crucial to notice this because it means that the double glazing is no longer performing the way it did in the past. This can result in poor energy efficiency, higher heating bills, damaged properties and the risk of condensation between the windows.


If you notice condensation on the outside of your windows, it is normal and indicates that your double glazing is in good working order and retaining the heat inside your home. The condensation happens because the air outside is warmer than the glass, and then reaches the dew point of the window prior to the air inside. This is one of the great benefits of having good quality double glazing.

If you notice condensation on the inside of the window, this could be a sign of a ventilation issue in your home. This is because the extra moisture has nowhere to go and ends up on your windows as well as in carpets, on furniture, and in other areas around your home. Getting this checked out by an expert and ensuring that there plenty of fresh air flowing through the home will help prevent it from happening in the future.

Another reason for mist to appear on double-glazed windows is that the seal between two panes of glass has been broken. This could be due to wear and wear or chemical cleaning solutions being employed. If this occurs, the best option is to have the windows repaired in the shortest time possible.

Having your windows professionally repaired will ensure they remain dry and free of fogging, condensation and misting. It's also less expensive than replacing them completely and it will reduce your energy bills.

A FENSA registered window installer will offer a price for the repair or replacement of your double-glazed windows. If your windows are old and have been in use for a long time, you may want to think about changing them to new A-rated energy efficient windows.

It is recommended to keep copies of any agreements and warranties with the window installers. It can be helpful in the event that you experience any problems with your windows. You can contact your window fitters to resolve the issue. This is a far better option than not addressing the issue that will only get worse and could cause other issues within the home.

Close or open with difficulty

Double-glazed windows become difficult to open and close it isn't just annoying but it could also result in higher energy bills because of heat loss and draughts. It could also be a security issue, particularly when the locks aren't operating properly. It is essential to fix any issues with double-glazed doors and windows when you notice them.

If you're unable to open your window and you've tried the most basic of solutions like using a screwdriver to prise it open or rubbing the frame with a hard object, then the problem might be more serious. The window could have moved and requires a reset or there may be a gap between the glass and frames. In either case, you should contact a professional double glazing repair expert to ensure that the right repairs are done and to prevent any further problems.

It isn't uncommon to find UPVC window handles and lock mechanisms to get stuck or difficult to operate particularly when they're worn out and worn. This is due to the accumulation of dirt or grease within the handle and can often be resolved by cleaning it using a upvc windows repair cleaner. If this doesn't work, try tapping the upvc windows repairs near me with the help of a screwdriver. Be careful not to scratch the handle or the window handle mechanism.

If this does not resolve the problem then the window may need to be replaced, since it is likely that the hinges aren't properly aligned or the locking mechanisms are damaged. In this case you should seek out a professional UPVC window repair expert.

David The Window Wizard is a specialist in double-glazed door and window repairs, including repairing a double-glazed window that has been shut or jammed. He has lots of experience in converting older window mechanisms into modern. This can save you money on replacing the entire window. For more information or to request a free quote call or email today.


Double-glazed windows are the ideal way to cut down on energy in your home. They are made up of two separate panes that have a spacer, or dense gas between them. This creates a seal that keeps cold air out and warm within. However in time, these windows can be damaged or broken and require repair. The majority of these repairs can be done without having to replace the entire window.

Warping is a typical issue with double-glazed windows. The windows begin to bow or twist or bow. This can affect the structural integrity and insulation properties of the windows. Double-glazed windows must be properly installed and maintained to avoid this problem.

Contact a professional as soon as you realize that your double-glazed windows are sagging. This will help stop the problem from becoming worse. They will be able inspect your windows to identify the reason. They will make use of special tools to fix your issue and ensure that your windows are sealed properly.

Water vapour is a cause of this problem, as it can accumulate between the windows over time. It can be caused by many different reasons including humidity, weather conditions and temperature changes. To address this issue the expert will drill out a small hole to let out moisture. They will then apply a cleaning agent to clean the glass and apply sealant to help protect it from moisture in the future.

If your windows aren't able to be opened or shut it could be due to a malfunctioning mechanism or hinges. Before calling a professional to address the issue, it's recommended to lubricate the parts. This can often resolve the issue and decrease your need for replacements. If your windows are very old or don't provide the level of insulation that you'd like to have it is usually better to replace them.